vivid imagery of emotions through the art of PAINTING

About vasile Ghiuta - artistic vision and philosophy

A Romanian-born thinker and philosopher, Vasile Ghiuta is an award-winner abstract painting artist, living in Toronto, Canada.

 Vasile Ghiuta is a thinker who reflects deeply on his surrounding realities and seeks philosophical explanations for what has always troubled the mind of a thinker. Vasile Ghiuta sought through his philosophical poems to find an artistic way to answer the questions that every thinker asks.

He is a visual artist and his paintings abstractly reflect his philosophical vision of man, his nature, and his future. His philosophical pastimes of a lifetime found their artistic materialization through his poems, then through his career as a visual artist, and now through the publishing of this book. It is a natural continuity, in the same line of philosophical thought that has found different external materializations. His abstract artworks are inspired by human feelings, emotions, and thoughts and represent a wealth of knowledge and experience that the artist has acquired over the years.

He believes that life is a sum of various experiences that carry a large amount of energy which could be transposed through the power of color and specific painting techniques into real-life stories. His acrylic on canvas works aims to express this concept, inviting the viewer to take a step forward into the world of self-discovery and reflection. Each of his canvases tells a story, and every story needs to be shared.

Although his paintings are abstract, the essence of his works is extracted from reality: real life, real people, and real emotions. In a similar way, his book "The Philosophy of Vice" is a reflection and analysis of a thinker who deals with the pressing and real problems of today.

From his point of view, as a visual artist and philosopher, it is all about thinking, knowledge, life experiences, emotions, and evolution. It is all about thoughts and feelings, translated into a language that uses words and colors to express an idea, to convey a message to humankind.

Vasile thinks that art in its diverse forms and shapes gives us the chance to use our creativity and imagination and bring to light the finest, most intricate threads woven together to make the very essence of our souls. It defines us to the tiniest particles of what we have become along this journey. One story can take us back in time, it could be a history lesson that helps us understand our roots, remember our fathers and honor their sacrifice; another story could be inspired by the joy in a child’s eyes, making us look to future generations with respect, hope, and optimism.

Vasile Ghiuta’s paintings have been exhibited in North America, United Arab Emirates, Europe, Korea, and China, by art galleries, museums, and some paintings got acquired by private collectors. He got rewards at different international art competitions and also, his works have been featured in several art magazines, and books such as: “Best Inspirational Contemporary Artists II, 2020”, published by ArtQuench Magazine, San Francisco, Nov 2020,  “Artascent-International Art & Literature Journal”, Issue 28, December 2017, California, USA; “Best International Creatives 2017, and 2019”, and  “First Masters Edition”- Art Book, 2017    published by “ArtQuench Magazine”, San Francisco, USA; “Circle of Arts Foundation” art magazine “Circle spotlight no 5”, Lyon, France, 2018.


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